1 Top Tray (See Top Tray rules)
2 Broad beans, 6 pods
3 Runner beans, 6 pods
4* French beans (dwarf or climbing), 6 pods
5 Tomatoes, 4 with calyx, of one variety
6 Cabbage, not less than 75mm stem, 2 heads
7 Carrots, 3, stump rooted, not more than 75mm leaf stalk
8 Carrots, 3, long, not more than 75mm leaf stalk
9 Beetroot, 3, globe with not more than 75mm leaf stalk
10 Beetroot, 3 cylindrical or long, no more than 75mm leaf stalk
11* Peas, 6 pods
12 Mange tout or sugar snap peas, 6 pods of either
13 Lettuce, 2 matching heads with roots, any variety
14 Bunch of 12 radishes (roots & leaves to be left on)
15* Potatoes (white), 5
16* Potatoes (coloured), 5
17 Onions, 3 (roots & foliage trimmed)
18 Garlic, 3 bulbs, not segmented
19* Shallots (pickling), 9 to pass through 30mm ring
20* Shallots (excluding pickling), 9
21 Spinach, 3 bunches, 5 leaves to each bunch
22 Pair of marrows, for table use not more than 380mm long
23 Courgettes, 4, 100-150mm in length
24 Rhubarb, 3 sticks (as pulled, leaf trimmed to 75mm in length)
25 Collection of fresh herbs for culinary use, 4 distinct kinds (named in separate vases)
26 Collection of vegetables, 4 kinds, 1 of each kind
27 Any other vegetable not listed in schedule - 2 different entries allowed.
Novice Section
28 Any root vegetable (3 of same variety)
29 Any non-root vegetable (3 of same variety)
30 Plate (12 inch max diameter) of one or more kind(s) of fruit. (Quantities of fruits exhibited to be as detailed in the fruit section below)
31* Blackcurrants, 8 striggs (bunches)
32* Red or white currants, 8 striggs (bunches)
33* Gooseberries, 12, with stalks
34* Raspberries, 12, with stalks
35* Blackberries and their hybrids (tayberries, loganberries, etc,) 12, with stalks
36* Strawberries, 7, with stalks
37 Plate of mixed soft fruit (not stoned fruit), 3 distinctive kinds.
Fruits will be judged on quality & presentation (Quantities of fruit exhibited to be as detailed in the fruit section)
38 Plate of any other type of soft fruit (not stoned).
Name of fruit to be stated
Exhibits marked with a * to be displayed on paper plates or vases, as supplied at the time of exhibit staging. Where necessary, sand will also be supplied.
39 Miniature roses, 1 vase, 3 stems of any variety or varieties
40 Large flowered rose, 1 stem
41 Large flowered roses, 3 stems, any variety or varieties
42 Clustered flower rose, 1 stem
43 Clustered flower rose, 3 stems, any variety or varieties
44 3 stages rose blossoms, 3 stems, 1 bud, 1 perfect, 1 full bloom (1 variety)
45 One bowl of roses, any kind or kinds
Sweet Pea
46 7 Sweet Peas, 1 variety, 7 stems
47 Sweet Peas, 1 varitey, 3 stems
48 Sweet Peas, mixed varieties, 3 stems
49 Perennial Sweet Peas, any variety or varieties, 7 stems
General flower Classes
Note: Plants of a kind are those in the same genus
50 Sweet Williams, 3 stems
51 Alstroermeria, 3 stems
52 Pansies or violas, one variety, 6 blooms
53 Pinks, any variety or varieties, 6 stems displayed on boards
(to be provided)
54 Carnations, any variety or varieties, 3 blooms
55 Dahlias, any variety or varieties, 3 blooms
56 Calendulas, 3 stems
57 Gladiolus, 1 spike
58 Delphinium, 1 spike
59 Lily, 1 spike
60 Marigolds, French or African, one variety, 6 stems or blooms
61 Phlox, any variety or varieties, 3 stems
62 Fuchsia, 6 individual single blooms detached from stem, displayed on boards (to be provided)
63 Fuchsia, 6 individual double blooms detached from stem, displayed on boards (to be provided)
64 Vase of mixed flowers, 4 kinds maximum
65 Vase of shrubs grown for foliage effect
66 1 vase of 3 hosta leaves, one or more varieties
67 Hanging Basket - any size
Pot Plants
68 1 plant, fern, 180mm pot or smaller
69 1 plant, foliage only, 180mm pot or smaller
70 1 plant, Pelargonium, 180mm pot or smaller
71 1 plant, Begonia, flowering, 180mm pot or smaller
72 1 plant, Fushsia, single flower, 180mm pot or smaller
73 1 plant, Fushsia, double flowered, 180mm pot or smaller
74 1 plant, Cactus or Succulent
75 A collection of Cacti/Succulents in a 250mm pot
76 1 plant, flowering, other than classes 73 to 77, 180mm pot or smaller
Young Gardeners
(Age limit 16)
77 Exhibit of 3 rooted vegetables, same or mixed
78 Exhibit of 3 vegetables, non rooted, same or mixed
79 A bowl of floating flowers, 250mm maximum diameter
80 Tied posy of flowers, in a wine glass
81 One vase of mixed flowers, 4 kinds maximum
82 Garden or allotment in a seed tray, approx. 375mm x 250mm x 65mm
83 A creative exhibit made of any plant or vegetable material (pins allowed)
84 A group exhibit made of any plant or vegetable material
The National Sweet pea Society's medal & Certificate
85 1 vase or bowl of Sweet Peas, any one variety or varieties, arranged with Sweet Pea foliage only. Not more than 12 spikes to be used.
All sweet Pea exhibited must be legibly named on white cards
Floral Arrangements
87 Spring - an exhibit
88 Summer - an exhibit
89 Autumn - an exhibit
90 Winter - an exhibit
Table covering: Pale Green - kindly supplied by Daisy Tuffen Flower Club (Pyrford).
Top Vase
(See special rules under top Vase section)
86 A vase of mixed flowering stems, containing a total of between 5 & 10 stems.
No seed heads, dried flowers or berries allowed.
Floral Arrangements Novice
An arrangement in a basket featuring flowers and foliage (Space allowed – as Class 90). This Class is open to anyone who has not previously won a prize for a floral arrangement at the Show. This arrangement may be brought in ready assembled but if necessary adjustments are allowed before the end of staging time.